
We have been getting a lot of questions about the safety and hygiene of cricket farming. It is a novel food so we understand the concerns but as you will see there’s nothing to worry about. Let’s take a closer look at what we do at our farm to ensure our products are safe and nutritious.

Our current food system is close to its expiration date. We need a change to be sustainable. Maybe you heard about meat alternatives like the 24-ingredient ultra processed plant protein burgers or lab grown meat with a crazy price tag. There’s an easier way to be sustainable right now. It’s called cricket protein.

Cricket farming is still a relatively new thing and there are many unknowns when it comes to creating an environment that allows crickets to thrive. Let’s take a closer look at what we are doing at our farm in terms of temperature, lighting, materials, and other essentials.

There’s one question you have been asking us a lot lately: why is cricket flour so expensive? We have been asking ourselves the same question since we founded Sens. Our effort to make cricket flour cheaper was one of the main reasons we started our own farm. Let’s take a quick look at why cricket flour is still expensive and what will it take to make it cheaper than any other protein source.

Cricket protein is as nutritious as high-end beef but its production requires 12x less feed, 15x less land, 2000x less water and creates 100x less greenhouse gasses. It’s an opportunity to do something for our health and our environment. Not everyone knows how to include this new food into a regular diet. Let’s take a look at five easy ways to do that.

Feed is one of the most interesting problems when raising crickets. Crickets can be fed a wide variety of different feeds including biowaste which makes them amazingly sustainable. Unfortunately, cricket farming is still in its infant years and nobody really knows what the perfect feed should be. Let’s take a look at what we feed crickets at our farm now and what is under development.