
What happened in the world of insect eating in September? Thanks to the Swiss insect burgers, IKEA accelerator, the Brooklyn Bugs festival, and Taste of the West Awards, we are several steps closer to insects being a part of our normal diet!

Do you think you can eat whatever you want as long as you burn it off by running? Do you carb-load before every race or even training session? Do you think sports drinks are always a good choice? Well, you might want to read on. There’s a chance your nutrition plan can use a serious update.

Cans are too heavy, processed meat is a health risk, and most snacks are full of sugar. It seems like there is a downside to any food you could take on your next adventure. You want something tasty, portable, nutritious, and full of energy. There is a solution, read on and learn about an option that trumps all popular hiking food products!

So many cycling enthusiast go for short intense rides with a jersey full of energy gels, as if they were gonna immediately collapse without a constant stream of sweet goo in their mouth. It’s almost ironic that the same riders regularly under-fuel when going for long, slow day-trips on a bike. Do you want to be smarter with your nutrition than those guys?

Even though air travel might be one of the coolest inventions ever, it’s not without its problems. Cancelled flights and the endless waiting in line aside, let’s talk about airport food. If you’re trying to stick to a healthy diet or you simply don’t want to pay the insane airport markup, it’s not exactly convenient. Here are 5 hacks that will allow you to eat healthy when flying.

We have been told fats are bad for us for a long time. Only recently the discussion has shifted towards the quality of the fats rather than just their overall quantity. We now know that some fats are healthier than others and that we should get a balanced spectrum of them. What you might not have known is that insects are among the best sources of healthy fats.