
We have been getting a lot of questions about the safety and hygiene of cricket farming. It is a novel food so we understand the concerns but as you will see there’s nothing to worry about. Let’s take a closer look at what we do at our farm to ensure our products are safe and nutritious.

Our current food system is close to its expiration date. We need a change to be sustainable. Maybe you heard about meat alternatives like the 24-ingredient ultra processed plant protein burgers or lab grown meat with a crazy price tag. There’s an easier way to be sustainable right now. It’s called cricket protein.

Cricket farming is still a relatively new thing and there are many unknowns when it comes to creating an environment that allows crickets to thrive. Let’s take a closer look at what we are doing at our farm in terms of temperature, lighting, materials, and other essentials.

Now that you know what our farm looks like let’s shift focus to its most important inhabitants, the crickets. We will go through a whole lifecycle of a cricket on our farm from incubation all the way to adulthood.

We want to take you on a tour of our own farm that we set up in Thailand. We have been talking about it for a long time so it’s time you took a look inside. There’s a lot to learn about how cricket flour is made so let’s start right away with what our farm actually looks like inside.

Our new cricket farm is up and running and the final product is exceeding our expectations! We put a lot of effort into making the Cricket Lab not only the biggest but also the most technologically advanced cricket farm in the world. We are starting to see the results - our cricket flour is more nutritious than any other cricket flour we used before. Let’s take a closer look at the numbers!