
Will There Be a Cricket Farm on Mars?
April 30, 2019
If we are ever to colonize Mars we will need an amazingly sustainable and resource efficient food source. Will it be plants, mycoprotein, lab grown meat, algae, or grass-fed cattle that feeds the future Martians? Or could insects be the right choice? Let’s take a look at what the future of protein might be, whether on Earth or Mars.
Diet 2.0 – When Will Cricket Protein Be Cheaper Than Chicken Protein?
November 07, 2017
Chicken is thought to be the most efficient animal at converting feed to protein. That’s probably why chicken is one of the cheapest types of meat. The problem is, mass factory farming of chickens is not sustainable and causes tremendous harm to animals. There needs to be a much better alternative to chicken protein in the future. And with cricket farming, the future may be closer than you think.