
The Best Protein for the Human Body
April 14, 2017
Proteine sind ein Bestandteil von fast jedem Lebensmittel, das wir essen. Hülsenfrüchte, Fleisch, Eier und selbst Gemüse und Obst enthalten Proteine. Die Sache ist, nicht alle Proteine sind gleich geschaffen; sie unterscheiden sich in Quantität, Qualität und auch in der Verdauung. Protein ist das Fundament des menschlichen Körpers. Wir brauchen es um unsere Muskeln, Knochen und Haut zu regenerieren und zur Produktion von Enzymen und Hormonen. Deswegen sollten wir unsere Proteinquellen sorgfältig auswählen. Schauen wir uns ein paar beliebte  Lebensmittelgruppen an und sehen mal, -wie sich diese vergleichen lassen.
What can everyone do to help fight “Super bacteria”?
October 10, 2016
So, this is how it usually goes: We get infected with harmful bacteria, and if our immune system can’t handle it on its own, we use antibiotics. They kill off the unwanted intruders along with some of our good symbiotic bacteria. It’s not ideal, but a small price to pay when it’s a life and death situation. Overall it’s a pretty good system. Now, imagine a different scenario in which some bacteria become immune to our antibiotics. We would effectively go back at least 100 years in our medical history, before penicillin was invented in 1928. We would have no way of treating bacterial infections. Considering how fast bacteria can spread thanks to our modern ways of transportation, it could be a worldwide threat to billions. Sounds pretty scary, right? Well, it gets worse! Those kinds of bacteria already exist and we, as a human race, are hard at work to produce a lot more of them. Why? And what can we do to stop it?
CrossCricket: The Fit of the Century
September 12, 2016
CrossFitters are among the healthiest eating athletes in the world today. Just look at the 2015 and 2016 fittest woman on earth Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir: the bulk of her diet is vegetables, quality meats, and safe, unprocessed starches. She focuses on wholesome paleo friendly foods and it works for her, there’s no denying that.
Insects, the best thing that happened to veganism?
August 09, 2016
Vegans don’t eat animals; insects are animals; vegans, therefore, don’t eat insects. Simple, right? But wait. Did you know that insects don’t feel pain and cannot suffer? Did you know that insects provide all the nutrients that are hard to get on a vegan diet? Did you know that insects require less feed, less land, and less water than any other animal by far? Did you know that substituting some plants for insects can actually reduce animal suffering? No? Then it’s time you took a closer look, because insects are the best thing that happened to veganism.
If Vegans Ate Insects, They Would Lessen Animal Suffering
August 07, 2016
We are all well aware of the inhumane treatment and killing of animals that goes on in slaughterhouses and concentrated animal farming operations. But there is another much less talked about, but just as real danger to animals: Farming of edible crops.
Insects as a solution for health oriented vegans
July 27, 2016
Even in a well-formulated real foods vegan diet there are many possible, even unavoidable, nutrient deficiencies. Several studies have shown that both vegetarians and vegans are prone to deficiencies in B12, calcium, iron, zinc, omega-3 long-chain fatty acids EPA & DHA, and fat-soluble vitamins like A & D. Let’s go through the most common ones and look for a solution that doesn’t involve pills, injections or fortified foods.