
Recipes for Christmas Treats Made with Cricket Flour
December 02, 2018
Die Feiertage nahen und es gab nie eine bessere Zeit, deine Lieblingskekse mit Grillenmehl ein bisschen gesünder zu machen. Essbare Insekten erfreuen sich derzeit extremer Beliebtheit. Viele wissen mittlerweile um ihre Nachhaltigkeit, den ethischen Aspekt und Nährstoffgehalt. Gut, dass wir gerade damit angefangen haben, Grillenmehl aus eigenem Anbau auf unserer Website anzubieten! Hier gibt’s ein paar Rezepte für dich, damit du etwas Leckeres und Nährstoffreiches backen kannst.
Research Shows Humans Can Digest Insects
February 02, 2018
According to a new study published in the Molecular Biology and Evolution journal, the food of choice for our ancestors, insects, could still be eaten and digested by almost all primates today, including humans. We are happy to hear that!
This Is How Insects Can Help You Lose Weight
January 04, 2018
Are you having a hard time losing or maintaining weight? If so, you’re not alone. There’s a billion dollar industry trying to help millions of people with the same thing. The problem is the number of myths, half-truths, and unnecessary details distracting you from the basics. It’s worth taking a step back to revisit the fundamental evidence-based principles that apply to everyone, no matter the starting position. Let’s see how they work and how insects fit in.
Boost Your Immunity and Mood with Insects
November 01, 2017
New research into the human microbiome shows that what happens in the gut has a big impact on immunity, skin quality, energy levels, and even mood. So, what can we do to heal our gut and improve microbiome? There are several things and eating insects can help a lot!
This Works Better Than Counting Calories
October 10, 2017
Counting calories is hard. We are bad at eyeballing how much food we ate and we forget. But even if we measure and note down everything, calorie counting is very imprecise and not very useful over the long-term. Thankfully there’s a better way of maintaining weight and preventing overeating. And you’re going to learn about it right here.
A diet change can make our planet better
November 22, 2016
Insect farming is sustainable and its environmental impact is negligible compared to the production of other foods. Check out the infographic below and learn how a diet change can make our planet better.