Give the Future of Food

Give the Future of Food

November 23, 2017SENSinternational Admin

Are you looking for gift ideas? Food is always a good choice but it needs to be tasty! And it better be interesting too. How about food that is good for the planet and reduces animal suffering? Now, giving the future of food, that's cool! Let’s look at your options.

Lab grown beef burger

How about giving someone a hamburger made entirely out of lab grown meat? It tastes great, it is very sustainable, and it definitely reduces animal suffering. The only problem is that the last time such a burger was made in 2013 it cost $325,000.

Clean chicken

Science is making a lot of progress in this area so if you can’t quite afford that burger patty, go for a chicken! A clean meat company Memphis Meats estimates the cost of a pound (450 g) of their lab grown chicken to be around $9,000.

Insect bars

If you’re not quite a millionaire yet, but still want to give the future of food, we have good news for you - edible insects are in stock! Our cricket based bars are full of the same quality protein as beef, they are produced sustainably, don’t cause any animal suffering, and they taste great!

We prepared Christmas gift packs with an appropriate message: "I wanted to give you the food of the future for Christmas. Lab-grown burger however cost $325,000 the last time I checked, so I chose the other alternative... Insect food. Merry Christmas!" and other goodies:

  • 4-pack of SENS bars of all flavours
  • Canvas bag in popular designs
  • Insect cookbook with 10 recipes
  • Christmas card
  • Stickers, flyers…

Let your friends and family taste the future. Give the most original gift this year! 

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