Diet 2.0 – Our Vision for the Future of Food

Diet 2.0 – Our Vision for the Future of Food

April 25, 2017SENSinternational Admin

The future of our food system is uncertain. The population keeps growing and we are already struggling to feed everyone. We are inefficient; roughly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted. We are not sustainable; we are depleting our resources faster than they can recover. Climate change could make half the world’s current farmland unsuitable. Our current food supply does not meet the demands of a healthy diet. A lot has to change if we are to feed everyone, stay healthy, and be ethical while doing it. That’s why we present Diet 2.0, our vision for the future of food.

A healthy future that tastes good

Junk food and empty calories are the norm in the western diet today and it's costing us the most precious resource, our health. Diet 2.0 has to combat that by making the foods we already eat and like more nutritious. This is something we are already trying to do with our bars and you can look forward to other popular foods infused with nutritious insects in the near future. Diet 2.0 will bring innovations to the fight against malnutrition. It will make nutritious foods easy to farm and accessible to everyone in the world, and produce a wider selection of healthy foods so that personalization is possible.

Sustainability as the only way forward

Diet 2.0 is all about finding and implementing new sustainable ways to produce nutritious food. It’s about using our resources right and avoiding waste, from farm practices to packaging materials. As we’ve described in our previous article, the current food system is not going to work for much longer. A big change is practically a must at this point and insects will be a big part of it!

Ethical treatment for everyone involved

One of the most disturbing things about our current diet is how much cruelty it causes. That’s why Diet 2.0 promotes animal welfare. It’s morally humane to farm insects compared to pigs for example. Diet 2.0 encourages ethical treatment of not only animals but all people involved. That means fair trade and help for developing countries so that they can access nutritious foods. Insect farming, because of its low resource requirements will help in those efforts.

 Support our vision for a sustainable future of food. Try our insect-based bars.

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