
Cricket Farm Tour – What Does a Modern Cricket Farm Look Like?
May 14, 2020
Wir wollen euch auf eine Tour durch unsere Grillenfarm, die wir in Thailand aufgebaut haben, mitnehmen. Wir reden schon so lange über unsere Farm, da wird es Zeit sie euch endlich näher vorzustellen. Es gibt jede Menge darüber zu lernen, wie Grillenmehl hergestellt wird, lasst uns also gleich damit beginnen wie die Farm von Innen aussieht.
The Coronavirus Is a Result of Animal Abuse, the Future is Disease Free Farming
March 28, 2020
Unser Vertrauen in den Fleischkonsum und die oft einhergehende missbräuchlichen Behandlung von Tieren ist nicht nachhaltig. Die aktuelle Corona-Pandemie ist wieder ein neues Symptom eines Systems, das nicht funktioniert. Gerade jetzt sollte der Fokus nun noch mehr auf Fleischalternativen und eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft rücken, um eine positive Veränderung bewegen zu können. Wir glauben, dass folgendes getan werden kann.
4 Reasons to Try Cricket Flour from Our Farm
June 24, 2019
Cricket flour is well-known for being a sustainable and protein rich ingredient but it is a lot more than that. Our own farm, the Cricket Lab, is producing the most nutritious cricket flour we’ve come across and we are happy to announce that you can now order it right here on our website! Here are four reasons why we think it should be in your pantry.
Our New Cricket Farm Started Production
September 05, 2018
We landed at the Chiang Mai airport and a company truck was waiting for us. No more scooter racing like last time. And believe me that was not the only improvement made at our Chiang Mai office!
How We Decided to Build the Biggest Cricket Farm in the World
March 07, 2018
Waiting at traffic lights, and suddenly a scooter whizzed around me to cut into the first row. Three people on the bike, one helmet. I’m shaking. It’s my first time in Chiang Mai’s rush hour, on a scooter. In my mind, I’m trying to forget the statistics I saw the day before - the world’s highest road death rates: Liberia 3rd, Malawi 2nd, Thailand 1st.
Diet 2.0 – When Will Cricket Protein Be Cheaper Than Chicken Protein?
November 07, 2017
Chicken is thought to be the most efficient animal at converting feed to protein. That’s probably why chicken is one of the cheapest types of meat. The problem is, mass factory farming of chickens is not sustainable and causes tremendous harm to animals. There needs to be a much better alternative to chicken protein in the future. And with cricket farming, the future may be closer than you think.