A lot of people go vegan to help the planet. But what if you could do something even better than eating plants? According to the FAO, 30% of the world’s agricultural land area is used to produce food that will be wasted. Fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers have the highest wastage rates of any food (roughly 40 – 50 %). That’s a lot! Thankfully, insects can turn all that food waste into protein, vitamins, and minerals.
The way we produce protein today is not sustainable and unethical. A change is inevitable. The question is, which protein source is going to become the new norm? Let’s look at meat and plant protein and compare them to insect protein in terms of sustainability, morality, and quality.
The future of our food system is uncertain. The population keeps growing and we are already struggling to feed everyone. We are inefficient; roughly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted. We are not sustainable; we are depleting our resources faster than they can recover. Climate change could make half the world’s current farmland unsuitable. Our current food supply does not meet the demands of a healthy diet. A lot has to change if we are to feed everyone, stay healthy, and be ethical while doing it. That’s why we present Diet 2.0, our vision for the future of food.
Die Weltpopulation wächst jedes Jahr um 80 Millionen Menschen und wird bis 2050 voraussichtlich 9 Milliarden erreichen. Es wird also 2 Milliarden Menschen mehr auf der Welt geben und wir werden nicht in der Lage sein genug Proteine zu produzieren, um alle mit unserem jetzigen Ernährungssystem zu versorgen. Unsere natürlichen Ressourcen werden nach und nach aufgebraucht. Es gibt keinen Ausweg, unsere Ernährungsweise wird sich verändern. Wie genau? Wir wissen es nicht. Aber Insekten zu essen ist die einfachste und wesentlichste Verbesserung, die wir für die Menschheit haben.