
The Well-Being of Farmed Insects
June 15, 2017
We want to limit the overall animal suffering in the world. Our suggestion is that people replace at least some portion of their protein coming from meat and eggs with protein coming from insects. Conventionally raised big animals are a huge problem and a source of suffering. Insects on the other hand do not suffer at all while being farmed. How is that possible?
Insects Are Full of Healthy Fats
May 25, 2017
We have been told fats are bad for us for a long time. Only recently the discussion has shifted towards the quality of the fats rather than just their overall quantity. We now know that some fats are healthier than others and that we should get a balanced spectrum of them. What you might not have known is that insects are among the best sources of healthy fats.
Behind the Scenes, First Month Running
May 16, 2017
A month has passed since we started selling and we have a lot to share with you! We were selected among top 30 startups for the Chivas Venture world finals. Now it’s up to the public to decide who gets more funding. Every vote translates to money for our cause, so this is important! You can read how to support us further down in this article. We are also putting the finishing touches on our main creative campaign. It’s going live this month and it makes insect eating look cool. It’s going to be big!
Diet 2.0 – Our Vision for the Future of Food
April 25, 2017
The future of our food system is uncertain. The population keeps growing and we are already struggling to feed everyone. We are inefficient; roughly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted. We are not sustainable; we are depleting our resources faster than they can recover. Climate change could make half the world’s current farmland unsuitable. Our current food supply does not meet the demands of a healthy diet. A lot has to change if we are to feed everyone, stay healthy, and be ethical while doing it. That’s why we present Diet 2.0, our vision for the future of food.
Insects Are 100x More Sustainable
April 19, 2017
Die Weltpopulation wächst jedes Jahr um 80 Millionen Menschen und wird bis 2050 voraussichtlich 9 Milliarden erreichen. Es wird also 2 Milliarden Menschen mehr auf der Welt geben und wir werden nicht in der Lage sein genug Proteine zu produzieren, um alle mit unserem jetzigen Ernährungssystem zu versorgen. Unsere natürlichen Ressourcen werden nach und nach aufgebraucht. Es gibt keinen Ausweg, unsere Ernährungsweise wird sich verändern. Wie genau? Wir wissen es nicht. Aber Insekten zu essen ist die einfachste und wesentlichste Verbesserung, die wir für die Menschheit haben.
The Best Protein for the Human Body
April 14, 2017
Proteine sind ein Bestandteil von fast jedem Lebensmittel, das wir essen. Hülsenfrüchte, Fleisch, Eier und selbst Gemüse und Obst enthalten Proteine. Die Sache ist, nicht alle Proteine sind gleich geschaffen; sie unterscheiden sich in Quantität, Qualität und auch in der Verdauung. Protein ist das Fundament des menschlichen Körpers. Wir brauchen es um unsere Muskeln, Knochen und Haut zu regenerieren und zur Produktion von Enzymen und Hormonen. Deswegen sollten wir unsere Proteinquellen sorgfältig auswählen. Schauen wir uns ein paar beliebte  Lebensmittelgruppen an und sehen mal, -wie sich diese vergleichen lassen.