We talked to one of our customers, Petr, who has both type I. diabetes and coeliac and asked him what life with these diseases is like and how cricket flour fits into his diet. What does he like to eat or breakfast? How does he fuel his sports activities? Read on.
Haben wir ein Fleischproblem? Vielleicht. Je nachdem, was du unter Problem verstehst. Laut manchen Menschen könnte unser Fleischkonsum eines Tages unseren ganzen Planeten unbewohnbar machen. Klingt das für dich übertrieben? Lies weiter und bilde dir eine eigene Meinung.
Cholesterol is linked to heart disease so eating foods high in cholesterol is unhealthy, right? No, not exactly. Even though crickets do contain cholesterol there’s a difference between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol. Let’s take a closer look to clear up the confusion.
Die Feiertage nahen und es gab nie eine bessere Zeit, deine Lieblingskekse mit Grillenmehl ein bisschen gesünder zu machen. Essbare Insekten erfreuen sich derzeit extremer Beliebtheit. Viele wissen mittlerweile um ihre Nachhaltigkeit, den ethischen Aspekt und Nährstoffgehalt. Gut, dass wir gerade damit angefangen haben, Grillenmehl aus eigenem Anbau auf unserer Website anzubieten! Hier gibt’s ein paar Rezepte für dich, damit du etwas Leckeres und Nährstoffreiches backen kannst.
What food would you take if you had to spend 6 days crossing a 250 km long trail in a desert and had to carry everything on your back? Pavel Paloncý, or the Czech Machine as he is known in the ultra-runner community, decided to take cricket flour bars as his main source of fuel. How did he do?
We all know that insects could help revolutionize our food system, they are the kings of sustainability, they help limit animal suffering, and they are amazingly nutritious. The only problem is the “yuck” factor. Insects just aren’t a common food in the western world. Let’s look at the available science and our own experiences with edible insect products and formulate a plan to help people overcome the fear of eating insects.