
Our First Savoury Cricket Flour Product is Here
September 17, 2019
If you’ve been waiting for a savoury alternative to our bars, then your time has come. Our new Cricket Protein Crackers are a savoury snack full of protein and fibre that are just as sustainable, portable, and tasty as our bars. Let’s take a closer look at them!
4 Reasons to Try Cricket Flour from Our Farm
June 24, 2019
Cricket flour is well-known for being a sustainable and protein rich ingredient but it is a lot more than that. Our own farm, the Cricket Lab, is producing the most nutritious cricket flour we’ve come across and we are happy to announce that you can now order it right here on our website! Here are four reasons why we think it should be in your pantry.
Can You Eat Insects if You Have Diabetes and Coeliac?
March 19, 2019
We talked to one of our customers, Petr, who has both type I. diabetes and coeliac and asked him what life with these diseases is like and how cricket flour fits into his diet. What does he like to eat or breakfast? How does he fuel his sports activities? Read on.
Infographics: All You Needed to Know About the Meat Problem
March 17, 2019
Haben wir ein Fleischproblem? Vielleicht. Je nachdem, was du unter Problem verstehst. Laut manchen Menschen könnte unser Fleischkonsum eines Tages unseren ganzen Planeten unbewohnbar machen. Klingt das für dich übertrieben? Lies weiter und bilde dir eine eigene Meinung.
Recipes for Christmas Treats Made with Cricket Flour
December 02, 2018
Die Feiertage nahen und es gab nie eine bessere Zeit, deine Lieblingskekse mit Grillenmehl ein bisschen gesünder zu machen. Essbare Insekten erfreuen sich derzeit extremer Beliebtheit. Viele wissen mittlerweile um ihre Nachhaltigkeit, den ethischen Aspekt und Nährstoffgehalt. Gut, dass wir gerade damit angefangen haben, Grillenmehl aus eigenem Anbau auf unserer Website anzubieten! Hier gibt’s ein paar Rezepte für dich, damit du etwas Leckeres und Nährstoffreiches backen kannst.
New and Improved Recipes
June 11, 2018
We listened to your feedback and made some changes to our protein bars. Did you think they were a bit too dry? You don’t need to worry about that anymore. We went back to the drawing board and reworked the recipes. You can look forward to a new and improved consistency, mouth feel, and even nutritional profile!